Bulk Email VerifierWant to validate email for free?

Terms and Conditions

This terms and condtions describes how bulkmailverifier.org ("we," "us," or "our") terms and conditions for using our service.

1. Account Creation and Usage

  • Users must register for an account to access the bulkmailverifier.org service. Registration requires accurate and current information.
  • The service is provided free of charge. Users are allowed one active verification process at a time. There are no restrictions on the number of emails users can verify within the service.
  • 2. Data Handling, Security, and Deletion

  • User data provided for verification purposes is securely stored and automatically deleted from our servers 15 days after the completion of the verification process.
  • Upon completion of the verification, a unique six-digit code is provided to the user, granting access to download the results.
  • 3. Account Termination

  • We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any user account without prior notice if there is evidence of system abuse or manipulation.
  • Accounts will be immediately terminated without notice in the event of suspected unauthorized access or attempted manipulation of the bulkmailverifier.org website.
  • 4. Streak Feature and Usage Limits

  • Users have the option to increase their email verification limit by utilizing the streak feature, which involves logging in daily to progressively enhance the verification quota.
  • 5. Authority to Block Accounts

  • We retain the authority to block or terminate any account if we suspect misuse of the service, including but not limited to system abuse, attempts to manipulate or breach the website, or any violation of our terms of service.
  • 6. Compliance with Terms

  • By accessing and using bulkmailverifier.org, users agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
  • 7. Modification of Terms

  • These terms are subject to modification. Any changes will be posted on this page, and continued use of the service after modifications implies acceptance of the updated terms.
  • 8. Legal Disclaimer

  • While we strive to provide accurate and reliable service, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the email verification results obtained through bulkmailverifier.org.